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GMR Gymnastics Sales, Inc. will be closed
Friday thru Monday, January 17-20, 2025.

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Customer Service - Ten-0 Scrapbook > Vault and Pomel Horses Help with Hay

Vault and Pommel Horses Help with Hay


GMR has supported animal rescue for a number of years. We have set aside a portion of our sales from “HORSE EQUIPMENT” to help the SAVE THE HORSES organization look after their many horses. We have adopted 4 of the horses, but recognize SAVE THE HORSES' need for funds to help the horses who can't leave the rescue.

Some of the help, contributions from your “HORSE” purchases, include money going to help support Trudy:

Trudy is a sweet Appaloosa mare. She was rescued by a veterinarian in North Georgia in the mid 1990s. She has lived at Save the Horses rescue facility since 1996. Trudy's history includes the most physical and mental abuse of any horse on the farm. She was bound in barbed wire, then dragged behind a tractor. Trudy has much fear of humans, deservedly so. Her safest place is surrounded by horses, because she trusts them. She does not kick or strike. She just blows very loudly and hard through her nostrils and looks for a way to escape. Trudy will always live at the rescue, but she needs someone to help pay her feed and hay bills. Trudy can't give back by being ridden. She is one of those horses that needs us to help them and get nothing in return.

Some of the help contributions from your “HORSE” purchases, includes money going to help buy THE BIGGEST SPOTTING RIG GMR has ever bought.

Sweetie is one of the horses at the rescue that is old and often “goes down”. Before GMR provided the sling designed for horse rescues, it could take an hour or more to get a horse back on its feet. Horse purchases have helped pay for this rescue rig that makes life much easier for the rescue staff and helps the old babies live a fuller life.

Go to the SAVE THE HORSES website to learn more about this organization, it's mission and how you can help horses.

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